Provide lubrication systems for industrial machinery such as CNC milling machines, lathes, injection machines, forging, printing, woodworking machinery, textiles, shoe machinery, special machines, food and other industries. According to the customer's mechanical equipment characteristics, provide customers with the most suitable SMUS lubrication system.


Ishan Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. was established in Taichung in 1992. It develops and produces various types of lubrication system devices. It is a major lubrication system manufacturer in Taiwan, providing industrial machinery such as CNC milling machines, lathes, injection machines, forging, printing, woodworking machinery, Lubrication systems for machinery and equipment in textile, knitting, shoe machinery, special-purpose machines, food and other industries. According to the customer's mechanical equipment characteristics, provide customers with the most suitable iSHAN lubrication system.
  • +886-4-2630-2881
  • +886-4-26302880